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Breaking the Game or Blending In: The Key Differences Between Interrupting and In-Game Ads

Difference ads in video games

We can all agree that today, the gaming industry has become an effective channel for advertisers. With billions of gamers worldwide, it's no surprise that advertising within games is now seen as a valuable tool for reaching audiences in a creative way. However, not all ads within games are the same. The two most common forms of ads are: ‘interrupting ads’ and ‘in-game ads’, which one you choose will in the end have a huge impact on the user experience. So what are the differences and what are the different outcomes? Let's dive into it. 

Interrupting Ads.

Interrupting ads are advertisements that stop gameplay or applications used to display promotional content in an interrupting way. These types of ads are often seen on mobile games or on browser based games. In the gaming world these ads are typically triggered at certain points in a game, in between levels or during loading screens. While they can be effective at grabbing the gamers attention, they often disrupt the player's flow, which often leads to frustration.

The most common forms of interrupting ads include:

  • Full-Screen Ads: These cover the entire screen, forcing players to engage with the ad before returning to their game.

  • Video Ads: Players are required to watch short video clips (usually 15–30 seconds) before resuming their gameplay.

  • Pop-Ups: These can be triggered by in-game events, and while they can be clicked away, they still briefly pause the game.

Benefits of Interrupting Ads for Advertisers

Despite their disruptive and frustrating nature, interrupting ads can be highly effective for a few reasons:

  1. Guaranteed Visibility: Since the ad stops the game, players have no choice but to see it.

  2. Direct Engagement: Some interrupting ads require users to interact before moving forward, increasing the chance of clicks.

  3. Precise Timing: Ads can be placed at optimal points in the user’s experience, like after completing a level or before they start a new one.

Drawbacks for Gamers

While interrupting ads may benefit advertisers, they can negatively impact the user experience. Common complaints include:

  • Breaks in Immersion: Ads interrupt the player's concentration, taking them out of the game.

  • Frustration: Repeated interruptions, especially in short intervals, can lead to annoyance and disengagement.

  • Longer Play Times: Mandatory video ads or pop-ups often increase the time it takes to complete a game or level.

What Are In-Game Ads?

in-game ads don’t disrupt the game but are instead integrated into the gaming environment. These ads appear as part of the game's landscape and don’t interrupt the flow of play. In-game ads can be done in a lot of different ways. Some of the most effective ones are:

  • Billboards or Posters: In sports games such as EAFC (formerly FIFA) , ads are displayed on billboards, just as they would be in real-life settings.

  • Product Placement: Brands may pay for their products to be featured in the game itself, like a branded vehicle or a beverage in the hands of a character.

  • Sponsored Content: Game developers sometimes collaborate with advertisers to incorporate custom game skins, levels, or characters tied to a brand. this has been seen a lot with Fortnite, collaborating with Marvel, DC comics and other famous brands.

Benefits of In-Game Ads for Both Parties

  1. Non-Intrusive Experience: Since these ads are integrated into the game, players aren't disrupted and can continue to play without interruption.

  2. Authentic Integration: In-game ads can enhance realism, especially in sports or simulation games, where advertising already is a huge part of the real world. E.g. in football

  3. Longer Engagement: Players are often more receptive to ads that don't interrupt their gaming experience. Since in-game ads are in the background of games, they can stay in the player’s subconsciousness for a longer time, potentially boosting brand recall.

  4. Scalability: In-game ads can easily be dynamically updated, allowing advertisers to target specific demographics or regions over time.

The Balance Between Engagement and Disruption

For advertisers, choosing the right ad format depends on their goals and the audience they want to reach. Interrupting ads can deliver quick wins through forced engagement, but

they risk alienating players if overused. On the other hand, in-game ads offer a more organic connection with players, enhancing immersion while still promoting the brand.

Game developers and advertisers alike need to consider the balance between engagement and disruption.

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